Listening. SO SO SO much easier than reading πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Listening in my car and being able to stop and start without missing any points at all. PERFECT πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

....and that is only half the story. Reasonable thoughtful and honest dissection of todays news and events with a "step back and look what just happened" attitude is eye opening and a very nice kick in the ass to KEEP PAYING ATTENTION!

Thank you for your insights and thoughts and analysis. I do listen to a lot of conservative radio. Some of it makes me angry, some of it scares me, some of it makes me think we're going to win, and some of it makes me want to yell at BOTH sides to just STFU (because it's not polite to say that out loudπŸ₯΄)

Thank you for all you do!!!

I look forward to the next ( and every future) postπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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Thx Scott...I'll try to do as many of these as possible....it's a great way to communicate that wasn't previously available.

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Agreed!! Great change, Sally

Karen 1/75M

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Well done! Good to hear your voice.

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So nice to hear your voice!

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I am thrilled that you are adding audio versions! I have a demanding job and don't always have time to sit and read. But listening is great when cooking, cleaning, and doing other tasks that need my hands but not my brain. Thanks much!

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I don’t agree that her interview sounded the middle of the road when Dana Bash asked Kamala the million dollar question of how you’re planning to tame in recession in this poor economy, Kamala’s answer was β€œnext question”. This sunk the entire interview.

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Hi, Adam. Where did you see that? I watched the entire interview and don't recall that so I went to check the transcript to refresh my memory and that question was never asked and the only time KH replied "Next Question" was in response to Bash's question to her about Trump's suggestion that she turned Black recently. Is it possible what you were looking at was a joke? As in a meme? Or did you have access to some of the interview that wasn't included on air?

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Hello Sally! Been a long time and happy to hear all is well. I also painfully watched this interview and was not impressed. Kamala and her slap-stick side show Tim, was not very impressive of two people that are serious contenders for President and vice-president. After living the Kamala-San Franciscan dream (sarcasm), I don't believe there are many independent voters left in California! In this 'moment in time', it's pretty hard to get around the gas-lighting media to get President Trumps message out there where they cut and edit practically everything he says. I'm hoping and praying that he has a great debate and does a great job getting his vision out there for the future.

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