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Sally's Substack

My Two Swirls' Worth - Our National Malaise

My thoughts for this weekend. You can read or listen to Our National Malaise. As always, please comment.


It’s an unsettling time for freedom-embracing Americans.

While Trump offers solutions for our national malaise, the fact is, it is only a short-term fix. Our economic and border problems, even national security issues, can all be addressed and, to a certain extent, fixed by a one-term president, but America has other ailments that burrow more deeply into our pithy core and cannot be remedied overnight.

There is a profound collective sadness knowing that all is not okay at home.

Many of us have experienced these difficulties firsthand and, even if we haven’t, friends and family have. If they’ve been spared, we see it every night on the news with endless reports of rampant suicides, addictions, homelessness, crime out of control and unpunished, our border overrun by hordes and municipalities overrun by illegal immigrants draining their public services; husbands, wives, siblings and even children killing their families; and 81 year olds getting pummeled by a maniac.

Our streets aren’t safe, our schools aren’t safe, our malls aren’t safe, our presidential candidates aren’t safe.

We send our loving, mentally-intact children off to college only to return politically and culturally radicalized, addicted to drugs or prescription drugs, and burdened with a long list of mental conditions that did not exist in high school. Parents pay their tuition and medical bills, but have no right to participate in their medical care. They need to be deprogrammed, but we cannot do that without their consent and, even if we could, the professional deprogrammers are mostly compromised.

These issues touch all of us because our children—their health and security—define our very future.

The mental health of our children and their sense of self are toyed with by teachers and administrators with the objective of “queering the schools” but it’s really about destroying the family and creating disturbed individuals they can remake in their own image. Once a child is confused and anxious about their gender, they are suggestible. Put them on medication and they are even more so.

The social toll this has had is astonishing with fewer young adults interested in having families and more of them being mentally and emotionally unfit to rear children, anyway. Throw in humanity being a threat to the Earth and traditional coupling, wedlock, and families are frowned upon.

Succeeding generations don’t seem to care a wit about their parents and grandparents. Who will take care of us in our dotage? AI and robots?

And this further fuels the Transhumanist movement that doesn’t want humans to continue to exist in our current corporeal forms—requiring energy, food, water, shelter, and procreation in order to exist—but prefers instead that we download our consciousness into some type of computer, ushering in the post-human era.

This is not that far-fetched given the rapid advancement of AI and robotics in the last ten years. What was once just a glimmer in the eyes of technies, is now a robust technology advancing at exponential speed.

We cannot live without our tech; but we cannot let it gobble us up, either.

The traditional 40-hour work week is under threat. Young people don’t want to work with their hands and would rather live in their parent’s basements playing video games. Sperm counts are down. Men have been feminized and women masculinized. Young men don’t know how to act—they’re either too toxic or too pajama-boyish to attract the gals. And the women are too aggressive and mean, to attract the guys. Thus, being gay is no longer just for gays but it’s become a kind of default landing pad for men and women who cannot find or tolerate one another.

We no longer trust the very people we were raised to trust: our teachers, the police, clergymen, coaches, our neighbors, our families, and now our government.

For those of us old enough to remember: everything that was, is no longer.

G-d is for idiots. Religion for the uneducated masses. Criminals are never at fault. All cops are bastards. All whites are supremacists. All men are toxic. Kids can be furries. Men can menstruate. Transwomen are women. Killing is bad. Abortion is good. Democrats abhor violence but Trump must be stopped by any means necessary. January 6th was an insurrection but deadly BLM riots were protected speech. Israel has a right to defend itself but must not be allowed to defend itself. Iran can be trusted to use our tax dollars for good. The economy is strong while companies go bankrupt and jobs are eliminated. What Inflation? The border is secure. What Illegal Aliens? America is racist. Equity not equality. Only Black Lives Matter. Whites created the law, math, the arts, religion, and science, so they must be discarded. 2+2=5? 2+2=whatever you want it to be. Covid vaccines, masks, and staying home will save us from the very disease that Fauci funded, that killed millions. What really happened in Wuhan? What really happened in Butler? Palm Beach? Who leaked the SCOTUS decision? Racism is okay as long as it is against Whites and those who are White Adjacent. Virginia may be for lovers, but Palestine is for Queers.

All of this upside-down, inside-out rhetoric is based on an America that no longer exists —an insular nation run mostly by wealthy WASPs who routinely discriminated against all other religions and races. Although always a melting pot, America had her “lessers” and “others.” No doubt about that. But, because of the system our Founders put in place, we advanced and grew into a nation accepting of others, where anyone could rise to power and fame or occupy the White House.

For all of America’s faults and the history of which we are ashamed, no other nation has come so close to forming a more perfect union or one out of the many; no other nation continues to attract people to her shores from all walks of life.

All that connects us is our Americanism, the values attached to that Americanism, our language, and borders. We are not connected by DNA shared over millenia and a common heritage. We are a melting pot that took some time but is fairly accepting of the various ingredients that go into it.

But, as America became more accepting of its diverse parts, America also began to slowly unravel.

It’s taken some 60 years to degrade the American Psyche and erode the American Soul. Racism now goes in reverse, against those who are White and White Adjacent.

We give food, shelter, medical care, jobs, and provide travel to illegal aliens, with funds that should aid legal residents and citizens.

We’ve succumbed to the Democrat-Media Complex, the LGBTQ+ Activist Cartel, academics, and teachers unions, and turned gender on its head to confuse several generations of children who, in addition to the confusing times of childhood and puberty, now have the added burden of deciding something 98% of us historically could always take for granted: that we were either a boy or a girl.

In allowing marriage to be redefined, we opened Pandora’s Box to the Pronoun Wars, the Transgender Agenda, and a hodgepodge of gender identifications. Once you start futzing with the meaning of words, there is no end to the chaos those in power can cause. Today, we cannot even define what it is to be a man or a woman.

Nothing is as it is supposed to be and no amount of euphoria for our candidate or disgust with the lies and deceptions of the Democrat-Media Complex and our current Administration, can dispel the despondence we feel watching our beloved America swirl down the pipes.

Like many of you, I have moments of deep despair and question how the final third of my life will shake out, what my childrens’ futures will bring, how my grandchildren might fare.

But we have to have faith. The pendulum always swings back but before it settles into a nice rhythm, anything can happen.

We are at that pivotal moment. While we need to bring Trump over the finish line, we know that his election, even with the House and Senate, is not a cure for all of America’s ills.  We know, deep down, that the fight for America will continue way past Trump’s presidency, if that comes to pass.  We know, deep down, that his election will not be the end to what ails us, but the beginning of a very exhausting, existential fight.

We have to prepare to be ever-vigilant and relentless in pursuit of an America Lost. We have no other choice but to Fight! Fight! Fight!

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Sally’s Substack
Sally’s Substack Podcast
In this particular podcast, I'm reading aloud from my analysis of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz's long-awaited interview with Dana Bash on CNN -- from a conservative perspective, of course.
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